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ヨーガの智慧を今に活かす 輪読会 Bringing the Wisdom of Yoga into the Present: A Reading Circle (認定ヨーガ療法師/svyasa大生/YIC・YTIC受講生のみ)

ヨーガの知恵を今に活かす 輪読会 Bringing the Wisdom of Yoga into the Present: A Reading Circle 月謝会員無料

当輪読会は古典から引用が多く難解かつ専門性も高いため、月謝会員以外は日本ヨーガ療法学会 認定ヨーガ療法師、SVYASA大学在学生、YIC・YTIC受講生に限ります。特に聴講ご希望の方は都度、メールにてご相談ください。


・ヨーガが何で、5千年も続いてきたのか? 行者さんだけの智慧ではなく、広く一般の方々へも受け入れられたから,長きにわたり行法が廃れなかったと考えます。そんな智慧を長年、本場インドの行者さんに使えた方の手による「Its time of humanity」、読む方によっても、時期をずらして読んでも、いつも新たな気づきを得ることができます。



・「Science of Soul」Swami Yogeshwarananda Saraswati 著

・「Its time of humanity」 Yoga NIketan New Delhi

Bringing the Wisdom of Yoga into the Present: A Reading Circle

Join us for a special time to read books written by one of India's greatest practitioners of traditional yoga teachings, as well as books describing his own personal transformation through contact with the wisdom of yoga in the East. Why don't you come and learn the depth of yoga with us?

Why has yoga continued for 5,000 years? It is not only the wisdom of the practitioners, but it has been widely accepted by the general public as well, which is why the practice has remained unchanged for so long. It's time of humanity” is written by a person who has been able to use such wisdom for many years to the ascetics in India, and depending on who you read it, or even if you read it at different times, you will always gain new insights.

It's time of humanity” is written by a person who has been using such wisdom for many years as a practitioner of yoga in India.

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